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In 2030, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Oslo shall be reduced by 95 % compared with 2009. The City of Oslo has developed a dedicated Climate Budget, which serves as a governance tool for its climate work.
The Climate Budget presents reduction targets and mitigation measures which are being implemented in Oslo to reduce emissions within the municipality, and describes important initiatives in order to achieve the targets set out in the Climate Strategy (proposition 109/20). Responsibility for implementing measures is delegated between the municipal entities and entails similar reporting requirements to the existing financial reporting arrangements. The Climate Budget also identifies the national and regional measures that directly contribute to emission reductions in Oslo.
The Climate Budget covers the entire 2022-2025 economic plan period.
The 2022 Climate Budget is the sixth in the series of climate budgets. The methods used for the assessments in the climate budget are continually being developed, and there is an ongoing need to further develop, update and improve the underlying knowledge base.
The appendix elaborates on the measures in the 2022 Climate Budget, as described in Proposition 1/2022, the City Government’s budget proposal for 2022 and the economic plan 2022-2025, Chapter 2. The appendix describes the adopted methodology and analysis for calculating the impacts of measures, the potential for further emission reductions in the climate budget and the use of emission limits. In addition, other impacts are presented over and above reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emission which the measures in the Climate Budget could potentially lead to.
Background documentation and technical reports used in the preparation of the 2022 Climate Budget are available from: